Dare to embrace professional mobility

Dear Golden Care Members,

The world of work is constantly changing. Are you tempted by a change in your working life? A new career plan, a promotion within your company, a new destination, or even a new mission in lifeDo you want to get up in the morning with a burning desire to start your day doing a job you are passionate about. Like thousands of people every year, take the plunge and become professionally mobile You’ll see, you’ll have everything to gain from it 


Work, laborious to rewarding 

Etymologically, the word work comes from the Latin “labour”, which means pain. In ancient and later medieval thinking, labour was associated with a painful taskone reserved for the lowest social classes. In his work, Politics, Aristotle even judged labour to be avile and unrighteous kind of life“.  

Over the centuries, work came to be seen not as an effort, but as a job, a function that enabled the individual to integrate into society, and for which he was paid according to his value 


Geographical mobility: moving to work

Geographical mobility is written into the DNA of humanity Man has always needed to move around in order to work and eat. These collective movements, whether voluntary or forced, temporary or permanent, have followed the great migrations: 

  • Displacement of populations according to the seasons and the need to cultivate land etc 
  • Settlement in Europe to benefit from a more temperate climate and more gentle natural environment 
  • Rural exodus (leaving the countryside to find work in the cities)  

People move around to improve their daily lives and to benefit from new perspectives and opportunities. 


Which destination for geographical mobility 

The profiles of mobile workers are very different. Some prefer to travel to the other side of the world for a total change of scenery and to experience another culture and another way of working. Others will be tempted by the great outdoors and country life, close to nature. Some will be attracted by the large megacities, cities teeming with activities, and others by quieter paradise like settings. 

Whatever the reason and the destination, professional mobility is always a source of change, adaptation, social advancement but most of all personal fulfilment. 


Professional mobility: a boost for your career 

We know that today we don’t stay in the same job for life. Whether by choice or not, an active person will change jobs at least 4 to 5 times during his or her working lifeOne in two would even choose to embark on another career. 

In Switzerland, 19.2% of people who had a job in 2018 left their job within a year. But don’t worry, they are not necessarily to be pitied. 

The world of work reflects life: the paths are not linear, and there are many surprises along the way. The most difficult thing is to have the courage to change paths, to leave your comfort zone, to allow yourself the freedom to stick as closely as possible to your values and aspirations, in keeping with your fundamental needs.  


The obstacles to professional mobility 

Changing jobs, careers or countries frightens and blocks many workers who aspire to making a move.  Most of them do not dare to take such a step, staying in lives which no longer suit them They languish in paths that they chose when they were far too young, while they were still in secondary or higher education. There are several reasons for this professional immobility 

  • The fear of failure 
  • The disapproval of those around them  
  • The fear of financial insecurity and loss of income 
  • The fear of undergoing new training 

Yet professional mobility should be seen as a real opportunity. 


Advantages of job mobility   

The worker who embraces job mobility has everything to gain from it. It is a unique opportunity to progress, to prove one’s abilities, to invest in a new, more rewarding mission, to gain more responsibility and often a better salary 

In the event of a posting abroad, professional mobility is seen as a promotion or career development. It often comewith an increase in salary and exceptional bonuses, as well as additional benefits to facilitate integration into the local community.  

In addition to the professional opportunity offered by mobility, this new life project allows you to experience new horizons, visit new destinations and immerse yourself in another culture. 


 Developing new skills 

In the context of professional or geographical mobility, adapting to this new change requires new skills 

  • Knowing how to integrate into a new culture or a new team 
  • Open-mindedness to take on a new environment with its own codes
  • Better understanding and acceptance of other people
  • Self-confidence to face the new challenges of this change of life
  • Increased autonomy and speed of decision-making
  • Learning a new language when moving abroad
  • Ability to be positive to not see only the bad sides of situation, but rather the chance to enjoy a new experience, however difficult it may be. 


Changing careers to find meaning 

In recent years, a new paradigm has taken hold in the world of work. It is not anymore simply a question of joining a professional firm to earn a six-figure salary or achieve better status in a prestigious company.  

Millions of people are overwhelmed at work, waiting for the weekend from Monday morning, falling victim to the Sunday night blues at the thought of going back to work the next day. A real malaise has slowly crept into some companies, leaving their employees at risk of burn-out (burnout) or bore-out (boredom and lack of job satisfaction). This translates into demotivation, fatigue, low back pain, headaches and chronic pain.  

A small note for you, dear Golden Care members. When you get up in the morning and say ‘I don’t feel like going‘, it is already too late…  

It’s probably time to change your career Nowadays working people need meaning in their work. 


Signs that tell you it’s time to change jobs 

Changing careers is an important decisionHowever, some signals alert uto the need for professional mobility. 

1.You are bored with your work. Your days are long and repetitive. Moreover, you do not even understand the usefulness or purpose of your assignments. You no longer want to surpass yourself. 

2.You are always stressed and angry. You no longer sleep. Chronic pains appear. You can no longer cope with management under pressure. 

3.You can no longer support your colleagues. 

4.You have the feeling that you don’t belong anymore. 

5.You do not feel that you are valued or considered by those in authority 

6.Your career no longer evolves, and you feel that you no longer have opportunities in your team. 

7.You are tired and demotivated all the time. You lack energy and don’t desire anything anymore. 

8.You don’t even see a reason to get up in the morning anymore. 


Professional retraining: the key to happiness 

The phenomenon is spreading. How many highly paid finance directors or other senior managers leave everything to raise sheep or become beekeepers or cabinet makers. While those around them talk about how lucky they are to have an exceptional job, they think about writing their letters of resignation. 

The examples are multiplying, particularly among working people aged between 30 and 40 who are experiencing a real wake up call It is no longer a question of being the perfect student, of ticking all the boxes.  It’s about happiness, values, meaning and well-being. 


Ikigai, the quest for meaning or how to be happy at work 

This is a concept that we owe to Japanese culture. The whole point of the ikigai is to find our raison d’être, the joy of living. Literally “iki” means life and “gay“, dignified, useful. In a word, this notion sums up the great question of our existence: “Why do I get up in the morning? What is the meaning of my life? ».

This time, you come first. YOU are the starting point of this reflection. 

To seek and find, as much as to do, one’s ikigai is to dig deep within oneself, and to discover what is really important to us. The ikigai is something that brings us joy, satisfaction, that brings “flow” (full fulfilment) to our existence and our professional life.  

Ikigai is finding one’s way in life which makes doubts disappear, choices become obvious and stress evaporate.  Everything is organised around this centre which vibrates within us. Thus, you are in tune with yourself.  It is a promise to live in harmony with yourself, serenely. 

In order to find your ikigai at work, you have to look at the crossroads of your passion, your talent, your vocation and your mission. The following existential questions need to be resolved:  

– What do I like? My passions? My values? 

– What does the world need? 

– What are my superpowers? My talents? 

– What am I being paid for today? How else can I make money? 

 This is a quest that will finally guide you towards to the job of your dreams and a life full of meaning. 

 Your Team,


Photos Credits: Canva, Unsplash, Pexels


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