What is Golden Care Private Medical Insurance?
Golden Care is international health insurance designed for expatriates of any nationality and people with an international lifestyle who want the best medical care all around the world.
The policy includes emergency assistance cover anywhere in the world. The cover is designed to ensure that should you receive a referral you could be treated privately in line with the coverage set out in the Plan Wording.
Underwriting and basis of acceptance?
Policies are provided on a full medical underwriting basis. In other words your cover will be based on the information provided on your signed application form. It is very important to ensure all answers and information are provided as honestly and accurately as possible. Failure to provide honest and accurate information could result in the policy being voided and/or a different premium being charged and/or cover for a claim being removed. The benefits and cover selected will appear on the Certificate of Insurance issued showing each insured person covered.
What to do if you have a complaint?
We are committed to providing you with excellent service at all times and will always try to meet the high standards we have set. If you feel we have not reached the standard of service you would expect or you are dissatisfied then please let us know.
Any complaint should be sent by email to goldencare@goldencare.ch or in writing to Golden Care Services at 31, Bd. Helvétique, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland. A written acknowledgement of your complaint will be sent within 5 working days and we will advise you of the next steps. If we are unable to resolve your complaint and it is about policy coverage then you will be entitled to refer your complaint to Global Health and Accident Insurance Limited (GHAIL) and we will provide you with full details regarding this process. If you remain dissatisfied after the complaint has been reviewed by GHAIL, then you will be entitled to refer it to the Financial Services Ombudsman at Guernsey, PO Box 114, Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 9QG.
Telephone number : +44(0)1481 722218.
Will my premium go up at renewal?
We review your premiums annually to reflect the overall cost of claims and medical inflation. Our schemes are priced using age bands, reflecting the fact that people are more likely to claim as they get older. This means that you could see an age- related increase in your premium in addition to our general review. Your premium could also be influenced by other factors such as the availability of new treatments, medical technologies and any claims made on your scheme.
Your Golden Care policies include a compulsory excess, also known as a deductible.
You can choose to increase the excess in order to obtain a discount on your premium.
Time to reconsider after you apply (“cooling off period”):
If you decide that your Golden Care plan is not suitable, please contact Golden Care Services within 14 days from commencement of cover. The Plan will be cancelled from the commencement date and a full refund of premium will be given, provided that notice is given to us.
Can I cancel my policy after the cooling off period?
You may cancel your policy on line by using your dedicated web portal My Golden Care or contacting Golden Care Services. A refund will be given if no incident has occurred which has led to an eligible claim, or may yet lead to an eligible claim against the policy. If an eligible claim has occurred during the period of cover and you wish to cancel before your policy renewal date, we will require you to pay the full annual premium as shown in your most recent Insurance Certificate.
How long will my cover last?
The agreement is an annual one and will be for 12 months.