Make time for good news
What a year! It felt like we were in a bad Hollywood Science fiction movie.
However, a crisis has the merit of being a rapid transformation, with its changes and upheavals to come.
Indeed, 2020 has been a year of change, learning and retrospection, which took a lot of courage, strength and energy.
In line with its philosophy of always taking care of you, Golden Care advises you towards the end of the year to mute your notifications and immerse yourself in its 100% comforting selection.
We can say thank you
The sun has waited for a year when there was a strict lockdown to shine brightly. A heat wave and sunshine were recorded across Europe and around the world. High temperatures were broken. The sun was much needed to face 2020. Indeed the light captured by the optic nerve is responsible for the production of serotonin, which is a hormone for happiness.
Pollution is dropping all around the world
We were breathing better this year. What a pleasure it is to find this blue sky and pure air. With industries at a standstill or at an idle, very limited public rail and air transport, and reduced travel by car, the year 2020 saw a very sharp drop in atmospheric pollution, in particular nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide.
The boredom of lockdown can lead to true creativity of masterpieces
The dancer Mehdi Kerkouche put online an astonishing video of choreography by Barry White in which he staged himself with the dancers from his group .
Are you sisu?
Sisu is a powerful Finnish word that cannot be translated in English, which refers to being courageous, tenacious, persevering and determined towards adversity, a true state of mind amond Finns. In 2021, we too will be more sisu!
Technology to the rescue… or not
In lockdown, like half of the population, the Internet itself has become the main contact with the outside world and online activities have quickly become essential: telecommuting tools, online shopping, and video streaming have become our best friends. Will we ever be able to thank them or curse them? There is no doubt that what makes a thing worth is what you make of it.
Well-being through tidying
It is clear that we have had time this year to tidy our small cocoon. We have spent so much time at home that it was important to rethink, restructure and tidy up our living space. Tidying is good for your mental health .
The value of life accidents
Kintsugi is an ancient Japanese art of mending broken pottery with gold. Thus repaired, the object increases in value. Let’s think of 2020 as a kintsugi. This break in our lifestyle can become the start of something more beautiful, a renewal, the beginning of another cycle. So are you ready for 2021?
Stay close even at a distance
Social distancing is a term that has been discovered and has played a major role in reducing the impact of the virus. But this distance from human beings prevents interactions and isolates us from our loved ones causing real suffering. With social distancing, we have lost one of our five senses, which is touch. So find some tips to stay close even at a distance.
The sound of the waves
We are only talking about a “first wave” or a “second wave”. But remember what the word wave meant before. The ocean, the sea, the holidays, the sun, the seagulls. Listen to this amazing that allows us to forget everything.
2021 will take wisdom and love to reinvent and adapt.
Through our daily actions let us all triumph together over cohesion, solidarity and caring.
Your Team,
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