Eye health in front of the screen
Dear Golden Care Members,
In recent times society has had to adapt to new lifestyles which increase the demands on our eyes. Whether we are communicating with colleagues, working, calling our friends and family, or enjoying ourselves while watching a movie, our eyes are constantly working.
However, it is important to protect them as much as possible, because the risks of headache, fatigue and eye problems are multiplying.
Here are some articles to explain the nature of these problems and advice on how to treat them:
Eye problems, how to protect yourself from blue light?
What is blue light? This article describes what it is and how our eyes are exposed to it. We need to protect ourselves against it by implementing a few tricks: installing filters directly on our screens, maintaining the correct distance from our computer or telephone and trying to limit their use by programming a schedule with our loved ones, preferably in a quiet place.
You may not know it, but ophthalmic migraines are also the result of dry eyes, because sometimes when we stare at a screen, we forget to blink our eyes, which then dries out our pupils. This article gives advice on how to relieve dry eyes.
Drink water to keep your eyes healthy
Water plays an essential role in maintaining the proper functioning of our organs, especially the eye. If you do not consume enough water on a daily basis, you will feel that your eyes are not functioning normally. So, what’s the link between hydration and a healthy eye system? Find the answers to your questions in this article.
Let’s take care of our eyes and let them rest sometimes.
Your mood crisis manager
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