Our Services

At Golden Care, we believe the way we look after you is as important as the benefits we offer.
We pride ourselves on:

In an emergency :
We are there when you need us

When the emergency situation you are in abroad needs ‘One Doctor For You’, we will be there for you straightaway. Golden Care provides a 24-hour multilanguage assistance line for emergencies abroad. If you need medical treatment, you will have a doctor by your side in hospital. They will know your history, your previous treatments and, most importantly, your name and who you are.

Making things simple :
Connect with us quickly and safely using our online platform.

You have a private account area on our website. It is yours to store information, notify claims and to look up the treatments you have had or that are due. Plus all of your claims history and procedures are explained there.

Personal support :
Sharing our international knowledge and experience with our members

Golden Care has a wealth of knowledge to share with members. Our qualified team will understand and respond to your concerns or questions, ranging from medical issues to safety advice on a travel destination. And they will keep everything confidential.